We believe in getting to know people and places through commerce and design. Someone else's daily diet of lo-fi goods is simple to her yet sacred to us, and vice versa. Let's marvel at each other's mundane, because that shit is dope.

Friendship Bracelets For Life – The Badge for STMT X Romania

Friendship Bracelets For Life – The Badge for STMT X Romania

In 3rd grade I had a business selling hair barrettes that I wove with different colors of ribbon. I don’t even know how I got into the biz – I didn’t wear hair barrettes. I’ve always been hair challenged and barrettes were way beyond my skill level. All I remember is taking orders from classmates’s mothers and then hitting up the mall with the money to buy supplies. I’d meet them in the school parking lot a few days later to hand over the goods. Sounds a bit shady, doesn’t it? Ha!

Around the same time I got into friendship bracelets. I guess you could say that barrettes were my bread-and-butter but bracelets were my jam. The barrettes felt limiting because of the lack of ribbon selection, but bracelets… the possibilities were endless! I used colored floss, and if you’ve ever checked the floss section at a craft store you know what I’m talking about. MIND BLOWN from the massive rainbow!

RAD AND HUNGRY: STMT X Romania Friendship Bracelets

Friendship bracelets bond you to a person by choice. You gift a friendship bracelet to someone that means something to you – with every intention of forming a lasting relationship. I mean, why else would you spend time making one (or money to buy one) if you didn’t want to be friends with the person next week or next month?


The Romanian sourcing trip wouldn’t have been the same without our Airbnb host-turned-sidekick Albertini. So when I spied friendship bracelets rockin’ Romania’s national colors… it was the obvious pick for the kit’s badge. We’ve already begun planning our next sourcing trip to Romania. No doubt the goods we scored are super rad, but bonding friendships that last a lifetime… that’s our jam.

oxxo, Hen

All Graphic, All The Time – Colombia Booster Pack

All Graphic, All The Time – Colombia Booster Pack

STMT x Colombia – Pushin' Passion

STMT x Colombia – Pushin' Passion