We believe in getting to know people and places through commerce and design. Someone else's daily diet of lo-fi goods is simple to her yet sacred to us, and vice versa. Let's marvel at each other's mundane, because that shit is dope.

And the #12DaysofMakers Winner Is...

And the #12DaysofMakers Winner Is...

Back in November, we announced a contest to celebrate the makers in our lives – designers, craftsmen, photographers, screen printers, illustrators, writers and more who work their asses off EVERY DAMN DAY to make the world a more magical place.

We wouldn’t be the company we are today without the crazy talented makers we’ve met over the years. So we decided to give away $500 and a Yearly STMT Subscription to one maker, nominated by RAHstrs.

And the winner? Drum roll, please…

Laura Baisden of Camp Nevernice

Photo by Danielle Kirk

Prints by Laura Baisden

Laura Baisden of Camp Nevernice! A maker who creates whimsical, detailed letterpress and linocut prints. Be on the lookout for our Maker Profile with her next week!

Congrats as well to our runner-ups – Chris Cheney and Nieves Uhl of Sawtooth Print Shop, and Heidi Joynt and Molly Kobelt of Field & Florist. Check out their amazing prints and floral arrangements.

And a big bootyclappin’ THANK YOU to everyone who nominated. We love celebrating makers with you!

Gia's Shop, Viet Nam – Travel Short

Gia's Shop, Viet Nam – Travel Short

BOOM! It’s the 2016 World Tour Gift

BOOM! It’s the 2016 World Tour Gift