We believe in getting to know people and places through commerce and design. Someone else's daily diet of lo-fi goods is simple to her yet sacred to us, and vice versa. Let's marvel at each other's mundane, because that shit is dope.

What’s Good – This Here Now

What’s Good – This Here Now

I feel fortunate, not lucky, but fortunate for having so much awesome in my life – from a roof over my head to an incredible job to friends and family that show me so much love.

I hate when people credit luck for good fortune because it’s not luck. It’s being able to see opportunities and taking action. It’s being fearless. I go for broke (a lot). I’ve had more successes than failures but I’ve had them. BIG failures that have left me broken to the core – emotionally, mentally, financially. And with every failure I would wail and ask why. Almost always the failures happened when I didn’t trust my gut, stopped believing in myself, and passed responsibility to someone else thinking they had my best interest in mind. They didn’t.

Doubting yourself is good. It forces you to think through steps, think about options, it makes you evaluate shit that you should. But not believing in yourself is shit. You should always believe in yourself. Especially on days when you feel stupid, ugly, fat, a failure, or any combo of those negative thoughts. I’ve been there. Done that. Those thoughts break you, they don’t make you. Having an off day is better than trying to repair your broken self. Trust me.

RAD AND HUNGRY was born out of a time when I was broken and repairing myself. Yes, I went for broke. And look – here I M'THR F'IN am. Every day I’m traveling, hunting down lo-fi goods, meeting rad folks all over the world during my low-down adventures, returning home and sharing their stories and goods with RAHstrs. Is this all because of luck? Nah… It’s because I believe in myself, always making sure I have BIG dreams to chase, and making time for face-to-face time with friends and family – to feel what’s good.

Let’s make 2017 the raddest year yet.

oxxo, Hen

Italy – The Low Down Adventure

Italy – The Low Down Adventure

Vintage Emporium, Ho Chi Minh City, Việt Nam – Spot Check

Vintage Emporium, Ho Chi Minh City, Việt Nam – Spot Check