Mexico – The Low Down Adventure
Ever since my two-month break we’ve been moving at a different pace – nonstop hyper-speed in a constant rush to catch up and get shit done, all while traveling every month. Like a much-needed vacation that my body craved… the STMT X Mexico sourcing trip was golden from start to finish. It reminded me that it feels good to slow down and it’s entirely ok to do so.
Mexico is magic. More than any other country, Mexico takes hold of me (my heart AND my belly). Mention Mexico and people often think of touristy resorts and beaches or drug cartels and violence. But it’s so much more than the stereotypes. Dig deeper and you unearth a culture rich and complex, waiting to share its treasures with anyone ready for an adventure. And the people? They’re quick to smile, they open up to you, they share with you.

Take Rogelio. The man who moved at his own pace. No need for me to question it – just had to respect it. Why? Rogelio was the Gatekeeper to the treasure trove of vintage Eagle Mirado pencils that I had to have. There were signs that his giant shop had seen better days – like the honkin’ big window displays to showcase drool-worthy goods to tempt passersby – but now it’s a sleepy joint. Mostly vacant display cases, everything covered in a thick layer of dust, packaging distressed and beat down by the sun, heat, humidity, time. He carried a random assortment – a few clocks, watch bands, hosiery, pencils, notebooks. I swooned the moment I walked in. I loved every inch of the shop because I knew it would be a gold mine.

And sure enough, behind one of the glass display cases I spotted a plastic tube filled with a small stash of vintage Eagle Mirado pencils! I nabbed ‘em all. We asked if he had any other office supplies and he replied no. As we walked away I spied a stack of vintage Scribe notebooks in the front window display. What? Why didn’t homie mention that he had these?! The next morning I returned for the notebooks and you know what I saw? The plastic tube was filled with more vintage Eagle Mirado pencils! Magic?! Or Rogelio? I snatched the second batch and the notebooks. I looked at Rogelio and said that he must have more of the vintage pencils. He replied, yes. OMFG. Seriously?! How many? He said he had many. I told him I’d buy the entire lot. Rogelio told me to come back, come back later today.
When I was almost out of his shop, Rogelio yelled out to me, asking if I was really gonna return for the pencils. I hollered a hellz yeah, I’m coming back. 2 days. 4 visits. We finally scored Rogelio’s entire stash of vintage pencils. A very “We came. We saw. We kicked its ass.” moment.
You gotta roll with her pace, but when you do, Mexico brings out her best. Knocking down doors, going back for more, and more, and more….
oxxo, Hen