The Low Down № 74 – Just Press Play in Germany
The last time I visited Berlin, I couldn't get enough. Berlin felt like an emerging city, attracting a shit ton of people from all over the world that wanna be startin’ somethin’, to be part of the bubblin’ action. Colors were loud, graffiti was everywhere, design was bold.
My heart was non-stop pounding and my head racin’ because there was so much rad – so much love and want running throughout my body. It was intense. It was magical. Five years later and I'm finally makin’ a return to Berlin. Once I arrived, it was clear that a repeat of the last trip wasn’t gonna happen. Why? ‘Cause time moves forward, with or without you. Pull the plug on a clock or drain a battery, time don’t stop.

I recognized Berlin, but I also noticed so much change. Kunsthaus Tacheles was shut down. That place scared me at times, but it was so M’THR F’IN wild and alive. New coffee shops transported me to Brooklyn, a hip poke restaurant made me miss my go-to poke stop in Seattle, a laid-back gallery was 100% LA.

I kept huntin’ for the Berlin that made me fall hard. I was walking around familiar tracks, backtrackin’. Hittin’ up the same shops. Searchin’ for the past. I returned to the Mauerpark Flea Market hopin’ to score vintage office supplies. Memories of the last visit guided my search leavin’ me disappointed when I left empty handed. Why was I bummed when I know that our best scores have always been in unexpected places during the most random chance discoveries. What I realized? Searchin’ for memories instead of creatin’ new ones is not how I wanna roll.

Brush my shoulders off, pop the collar. Time for me to wander forward. Huntin’ down lo-fi office supplies comes second to only one thing – feedin’ my hungry belly. My days became all about grubbin’ and hittin’ up coffee shops around the clock. I still managed to score rad goods for the STMT x Germany Kit, but the biggest win was my last meal of the sourcing trip, at Lokal Restaurant. It lasted for hours, anything faster and it would have felt rushed. From the location to the service to the food to the wine to the design… everything was AH-MAZING!
Seated outside in command position, I watched couples, families, individuals walk by. I smiled when neighbors stopped and greeted each other. I felt warm fuzzies when shopkeepers waved at locals. Time had suddenly slowed its roll. It was working its magic on me. Soakin’ in the good vibes, and wonderin’ why it took me so long to find this magic spot... the Berlin I was searchin’ for was very much alive and kickin’! I get it now – don’t live in the past and don’t try stoppin’ time. But slowin’ it down? AH HELLZ YEAH. Savor the moments of magic, and stay steady livin’ new ones ‘cause they’ll become the jams in your old school mixtapes. Just press play.
oxxo, Hen